Record-breaking observation from Argentina! Is it a Ground – Based Long-Distance Observation World Record !

The photos depict: Andes, Aconcagua and  the Cordon del Plata mountain range.
Location: June 13, 2023 (world record) Cerro Champaquí   31°59’16.332″S, 64°56’12.459″W ;  May 4, 2023 –  point 31°59’34.4″S 64°56’18.9″W on the Cerro Champaquí – Cerro Los Linderos trail in the Sierras de Córdoba mountain range, Argentina.
Observer’s elevation: June 13, 2023 (world record) – 2770 meters above sea level ;  May 4, 2023 – 2734 meters above sea level.
Distances: Aconcagua – 483,5 km (WGS84 model)  ; peak (elevation 5441 m) (33°02’11.5″S 69°28’16.8″W) near the El Pico Plata massif – 440.5 km, El Pico Plata – 438 km.
Dates: May 4, 2023, and June 13, 2023 (world record).
Authors: Roberto Antezana and Gabriela Vollmer.
Equipment: Roberto – Canon SX70 HS, Gabriela Vollmer – Canon Eso R Mirrorless 24-105 mm.
Description: Record-breaking observation from Argentina! Is it a  Ground – Based Long-Distance Observation World Record !


English – Observation report from June 13, 2023 (world record – Aconcagua 483,5 km).

May 4, 2023 – (account continued in the following post) – Roberto and Gabriela came close to breaking the world record. They fell short by 2.5 km. Over a month later, they returned to Argentina near the Cerro Champaquí – Cerro Los Linderos trail in the Sierras de Córdoba mountain range, Argentina.

On June 13, Roberto and Gabriela made another attempt to photograph the Aconcagua peak from a distance of 483 km. The conditions along the observation line were favorable: low humidity, no dust, and a clear sky.

Gabriela Vollmer describes the event as follows: „Finally, an absolute world record in long-distance photography! It’s 483 km. A tremendous distance from the Champaquí hill in Córdoba to the peak of Aconcagua. A true feat at -6 degrees below zero and with a wind speed of 40 km/h at dusk on June 13, 2023!”

Roberto Antezana : ” I am Roberto Antezana, an astrophotographer and technical astronomer at the University of Chile, and also Gabriela Vollmer, a landscape and nature photographer. The photographs were taken at the summit of Cerro Champaqui on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 18:45 Argentine time, in the province of Córdoba. We managed to capture Aconcagua. The distance is enormous – 483 km. Therefore, only a very faint silhouette corresponding to the last meters of the summit of the mentioned mountain is visible.  The photographic equipment used to capture Aconcagua: Canon Powershot SX70HS with a maximum zoom of 1365 mm. Author: Roberto Antezana. The panoramic photographic equipment: Canon Eos R 24-105 mm. Author: Gabriela Vollmer. The photographic equipment used to compare the weak image of the last meters of Plata with the last meters of Aconcagua: Nikkor 83x with 24,2000 mm. Author: Gabriela Vollmer. History: In May of this year, we made the first trip with the intention of capturing Aconcagua. Unfortunately, we encountered a delay at that time and were unable to reach the summit of Cerro Champaqui. Instead, we managed to increase the distance to an extension of Cerro Plata at 440.5 km from Cerro Linderos, which has already been published.In June, we had a second opportunity with good weather conditions and traveled to Córdoba, Argentina, to have more time at Champaqui. On the same day, we achieved the farthest observation in the world from one land to another, surpassing the curvature of the Earth. The weather conditions were demanding, with a temperature of -6 degrees Celsius and wind speeds of 30 km/h, gusting up to 40 km/h.We would like to thank Riki Martinez and Cristian Avalos for their support and logistics.”


Observers at the summit of Cerro Champaquí .The observers stand next to the bust of San Martin, who contributed to the independence of both countries – Chile and Argentina.  Obserwatorzy na szczycie Cerro Champaquí stoją obok popiersa San Martina – bohatera narodowego.
Gabriella Vollmer at the observation site.

The distance between an observation site and Aconcagua on Google Maps is 483 km.

Observation point on the aerial map of
The distance varies depending on the chosen Earth model. WGS84 is more accurate – 483,5 km . Ed Williams’ calculator


The distance varies depending on the chosen Earth model. FAI: 482,55 km. Ed Williams’ calculator

Photoreport: Exploring the World Record Through the Lens

Cerro El Plata seen from a distance of 439.66 km (WGS84) from Cerro Champaquí. Fot. Gabriela Vollmer .


Simulation of the view from the summit towards Cerro El Plata with a standard refraction coefficient of 0.14.



Simulation of the view from the summit towards Cerro El Plata and Aconcagua with a non-standard refraction coefficient of 0.17 .
Wide shot towards the Andes. Fot. Gabriela Vollmer.



Verification. The authors do not have a single photo that includes both Plata and Aconcagua. Such a photo would significantly facilitate the verification process, as it would allow for measuring the distance between the peaks in the image and comparing it to the difference in azimuths between the peaks. Having only a photo of Aconcagua alone does not allow for a definitive verification. Fortunately, Roberto has sent a video to the editors of and, which includes both peaks. The video can be divided into frames and stitched together to create a panorama onto which azimuth grids can be overlaid. Such an analysis was conducted by Łukasz Wawrzyszko, an expert in object identification. Although not a precise method, it is the only one that can be used in this case. The arrangement of the peaks in the panorama is correct. Therefore, we can confirm a NEW WORLD RECORD in ground-based long-distance observations.


World record. Aconcagua seen from Cerro Champaquí. – 483,5 km (WGS84) . Canon PowerShot SX70 HS – 247mm;  35mm equivalent: 1341 . June 13, 2023 Fot. Roberto Antezana. Description: Paweł Kłak.
Crop. World record –  Aconcagua  seen from Cerro Champaquí. – 483,5 km (WGS84) . June 13, 2023.  Fot. Roberto Antezana. Description: Paweł Kłak


The only possible method for verifying the world record – based on the film, frame analysis, and measurement of distance and azimuth. Prepared by Łukasz Wawrzyszko



English – Observation report from May 04, 2023 (El Plata 438 km). REPORT FROM THE FIRST ATTEMPT TO BREAK THE RECORD 04/05/2023

On May 4, 2023, Roberto Antezana and Gabriela Vollmer embarked on a journey to the Cerro Champaquí massif, the highest peak in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. Their goal was to attempt the World Record for long-distance ground-based observation. The previous record to beat was 443 km – the observation record of Pic Gaspard in the Alps from the Pyrenees. The targets were to capture Aconcagua at 483 km or Mogote Excelsior at 449 km, located near El Pico Plata at 438 km.

Immediately after taking the photos, Roberto Antezana reached out to (Paweł Kłak) and (Łukasz Wawrzyszko) for analysis and verification of the potential WORLD RECORD for terrestrial long-distance observations.After a quick analysis, we knew that El Pico Plata (438 km) was clearly visible in the photos. We proceeded with a detailed analysis of the potentially record-breaking peaks. This was challenging due to the quality of the photos – they were taken in strong winds and were blurry. Was there a record?

The photos and a full analysis are presented in the later part of this text. We are publishing these photos with the author’s permission as the first in the world.

Between Lindero and Champaqui in Argentina, in search of the world record for long-distance ground observation – Gabriela Vollmer and Roberto Antezana. May 2023
Observation direction. Photo by Gabriela Vollmer
In search of the world record. Photo by Roberto Antezana.
El Pico Plata – visible from the Cordoba area at a distance of 438 km. Photo by Roberto Antezana.
El Pico Plata – visible from the vicinity of Cordoba at a distance of 438 km. Photo by Roberto Antezana.
El Pico Plata – visible from the vicinity of Cordoba at a distance of 438 km. Photo by Roberto Antezana. Photo description – Paweł Kłak /
Photo by Gabriela Vollmer. The description of Cerro Plata indicates 440 km. In reality, the distance to the summit is 438 km.
Symulacja w generatorze

Quest for Aconcagua at 483 km in the photos from the first expedition on May 4, 2023 .Unfortunately, after 'stitching’ the photos into a panorama, it turned out that the peak is beyond the range of observation. Additional photos with the correct direction are blurry.

Panorama and overlaid simulation. Developed by Łukasz Wawrzyszko. The summit of Aconcagua is located outside the frame.

Let’s move on to the analysis of the visibility of another potential summit that could have set a record during the expedition on May 4, 2023 – Mogote Excelsior (distance to it is 449 km), located near El Pico Plata.

Data about the summit was retrieved from


Let’s determine the azimuth using Ed Williams’ calculator – 253.44 degrees.

Let’s draw the line of sight between the observer’s point ( and the summit of Mogote Excelsior. We will use the tool Here is the link to the simulation:  For standard atmospheric refraction (0.14), the line of sight encounters an obstacle at around 200 km – the elevations near the National Park – 'Parque Nacional Sierra De Las Quijadas. Let’s check if the mentioned summit is visible in the photos, which would mean a world record already achieved on the first expedition on May 4, 2023. We will use the overlaid simulation from the program. It is visible that at azimuth 235.5, we have the summit’s peak – (elevation 5441 m) (33°02’11.5″S 69°28’16.8″W) near the El Pico Plata massif – 440.5 km. Unfortunately, at azimuth 253.44, there is no prominent summit of Mogote Excelsior. In its position, there is something resembling a mirage of a hill distant by 200 km or simply clouds.

Zooming in on Pico El Plata. The sought area is to the left of it.
The marked location where Mogote Excelsior should be – 253.44 degrees. Clearly, there is no summit at that spot. In this azimuth, there appears to be something resembling a mirage of an object on the line of sight, or it could be clouds.
Close-up view. An elevation at a distance of 440.5 km is visible – the line on the right. Mogote Excelsior, which should be where the arrow on the left is pointing, is not visible. In its position, there is something resembling a mirage of a hill lying on the line of sight – about 200 km away from the observer, or it might simply be a cloud.



Grid of azimuths and the generated view in the simulator
So, during the first expedition, the attempt to break the world record was unsuccessful. The farthest observed object that day was 440.5 km away from the observer. It fell short by 2.5 km for a world record. As a consolation, it became the record for the Americas and the southern part of our globe. Huge applause is well-deserved for the entire team (Roberto Antezana, Gabriela Vollmer, Ricky Martinez Pasolli – logistical support) for the entire expedition and the observation achieved. To reach the observation site from their home in Santiago de Chile, they had to cover over 1000 km of mountain roads by car for two days, as well as undergo a several-hour border control. The entire expedition was long planned and prepared. After receiving my message that the record was not achieved, Roberto mentioned feeling like he lost the World Cup final in soccer during the last penalty shootout. However, it is comforting that the team has declared their intention to return to the site, this time with better equipment. Fortunately, Roberto and Gabriela made another attempt to break the world record in June 2023. On June 13, 2023, a world record was established for long-distance ground observations. More about world record.


Roberto Antezana and Gabriela Vollmer covered over 1000 km to reach the location and attempt to break the world record in long-distance observation


Congratulations to the authors for this incredible achievement.



Polski – opis obserwacji z 13 czerwca 2023 (rekord świata – Aconcagua 483,5 km)

Zdjęcia przedstawiają: Andy,  Aconcagua oraz łańcuch górski Cordon del Plata
Miejsce:  13.06.2023 (rekord świata) –  Cerro Champaquí   31°59’16.332″S, 64°56’12.459″W   oraz 04.05.2023 – punkt 31°59’34.4″S 64°56’18.9″W przy szlaku Cerro Champaquí – Cerro Los Linderos w paśmie górskim Sierras de Córdoba , Argentyna.
Wysokość obserwatora: 13.06.2023 –  2770 04.05.2023 2734
Odległość: Aconcagua – – 483 km (WGS84 model) ; szczyt ( wys. 5441 m) (33°02’11.5″S 69°28’16.8″W) w pobliżu masywu El Pico Plata – 440,5 km , El Pico Plata – 438 km
Czas: 04.05.2023 oraz 13.06.2023 (rekord świata)
Autor: Roberto Antezana Gabriela Vollmer
Sprzęt: Canon SX70 HS – Roberto, Gabriela Vollmer – Canon Eso R Mirrorles 24-105 mm
Opis: Rekordowa obserwacja z Argentyny! Jest Rekord Świata w Dalekich Obserwacjach Naziemnych!

4 maja 2023 – (relacja na stronie) – Roberto i Gabriela otarli się o rekord świata. Zabrakło wtedy 2,5 km. Ponad miesiąc później udali się ponownie do Argentyny w pobliże szlaku Cerro Champaquí – Cerro Los Linderos w paśmie górskim Sierras de Córdoba , Argentyna.

Dokładnie 13 czerwca Roberto i Gabriela  ponowili próbę sfotografowania szczytu Aconcagua  z dystansu 483. Warunki  panujące na linii obserwacji były sprzyjające : niska wilgotność, brak pyłów i bezchmurne niebo. Tak zdarzenie opisuje Gabriella Vollmer: „Nareszcie absolutny rekord świata w fotografii na odległość ! To 483 km. Ogromna odległość od wzgórza Champaqui w Cordobie do szczytu góry Aconcagua. Prawdziwy wyczyn przy -6 stopni poniżej zera i wietrze z prędkością 40 kmh. o zmierzchu 13 czerwca 2023!”

Opis Roberto: ” Jestem Roberto Antezana, astrofotografem i technicznym astronomem na Uniwersytecie Chile, a także Gabriela Vollmer, fotografem pejzażu i natury. Zdjęcia zostały wykonane na szczycie Cerro Champaqui w dniu wtorek, 13 czerwca 2023 roku, o godzinie 18:45 czasu argentyńskiego, w prowincji Córdoba. Udało nam się uchwycić Aconcaguę. Odległość jest ogromna – 483 km. Dlatego też widoczna jest tylko bardzo słaba sylwetka, odpowiadająca ostatnim metrom szczytu wspomnianej góry. Sprzęt fotograficzny użyty do uchwycenia Aconcagui: Canon Powershot SX70HS z maksymalnym zoomem 1365 mm. Autor: Roberto Antezana. Sprzęt fotograficzny do panoramy: Canon Eos R 24-105 mm. Autorka: Gabriela Vollmer. Sprzęt fotograficzny użyty do porównania słabego obrazu ostatnich metrów Platy z ostatnimi metrami Aconcagui: Nikkor 83x z 24,2000 mm. Autorka: Gabriela Vollmer. Historia: W maju tego roku odbyliśmy pierwszą podróż z zamiarem uchwycenia Aconcagui. Niestety, wtedy napotkaliśmy opóźnienie i nie udało nam się dotrzeć na szczyt Cerro Champaqui. Zamiast tego udało się nam zwiększyć odległość  – obserwacja Cerro Plata na 440,5 km od Cerro Linderos, co już zostało opublikowane. W czerwcu mieliśmy drugą okazję z dobrymi warunkami pogodowymi i udaliśmy się do Córdoby, Argentyny, aby mieć więcej czasu na Champaqui. Tego samego dnia udało się nam osiągnąć najdalszą naziemną obserwację na świecie , przekraczając krzywiznę ziemi. Warunki pogodowe były wymagające, temperatura wynosiła -6 stopni Celsiusza, a wiatr osiągał prędkość 30 km/h, z porywami do 40 km/h. Chcielibyśmy podziękować Rikiemu Martinezowi i Cristianowi Avalosowi za wsparcie i logistykę.”


Weryfikacja. Autorzy nie posiadają jednego zdjęcia, na którym znajdują się zarówno Plata, jak i Aconcagua. Takie zdjęcie znacząco ułatwiłoby proces weryfikacji, umożliwiając pomiar odległości między szczytami na obrazie oraz porównanie tego do różnicy azymutów między szczytami. Posiadanie tylko zdjęcia samej Aconcagui nie pozwala na jednoznaczną weryfikację. Na szczęście Roberto przesłał do polskich redakcji oraz film, który zawiera oba szczyty. Film można podzielić na klatki i połączyć je, tworząc panoramę, na której można nałożyć siatkę azymutów. Taką analizę przeprowadził Łukasz Wawrzyszko, ekspert w dziedzinie identyfikacji obiektów. Choć nie jest to precyzyjna metoda, jest to jedyna możliwa w tym przypadku. Układ szczytów na panoramie jest poprawny. Dlatego możemy potwierdzić NOWY REKORD ŚWIATA w dalekich obserwacjach naziemnych.
Rekord świata. Aconcagua widziana Cerro Champaquí. – 483,5 km (WGS84) . Canon PowerShot SX70 HS – 247mm;  35mm equivalent: 1341 . 13 czerwca 2023r, Fot. Roberto Antezana. Opisy: Paweł Kłak
Crop. Rekord świata –  Aconcagua widziana z  Cerro Champaquí. – 483,5 km (WGS84) . 13 czerwca 2023r. Fot. Roberto Antezana. Opisy: Paweł Kłak
Jedyny możliwy sposób weryfikacji – Oparty na analizie filmu i klatek oraz odległości i różnicy azymutów. Opracowanie.  Łukasz Wawrzyszko

Gratulujemy autorom tego niesamowitego osiągnięcia.


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